Saturday, April 21, 2012


Posted by Abstraction Personified

So its 1:55am, 21 april 2012 when i start with my very own blog. Thinking what the first post should be about, i decide to write about the days events.
So i get up at 8am in the morning today. I have an exam at 11.30 for which i am totally unprepared. I try to study but apparently suffer from attention deficit disorder. So i decide to leave the whole study thingie and start browsing the internet.
Suddenly i realize I have been waiting for a couple of emails from quite a time now. Since i didnt get any replies earlier in the week, im quite disappointed. Anyhow, i open my inbox and find 2 new emails. To my utmost surprise, both the emails are the ones i had been waiting for.
With heart beating wild, i open both of them one by one. Fearing they wont have the content i desired. and most of all, fearing rejection. However, God has always been very kind on me. and i get what i expected in both the emails.
In the first one i get selected as a delegate in the 2nd Pakistan annual youth assembly - 2012. :D
In the second, im a little disappointed, i do get the job but its not quite what i expected. so i turn it down.
Then after getting all the happy news, not to mention the internship news dad gave me early in the morning, i start with my studies.
I give the exam which goes exceptionally well and then i return to my room and sleep all day.
Its raining in islamabad and its quite fun to listen to the rain pour down and darknes engulf it.
Anyhow i get up around 11.30 at night and start working with this blog, which i believe is a very poor attempt at writting a blog. :P
But since no body is reading it except me, i guess its kindda okay.
and oh yeah.
Well, you know what i was going to write. Hence *smile*


  1. Lucky day.! BTW, I can read it. :p

    1. Maaaaaannn!!! Now i really think i'm gonna have to put some privacies. :p
