Friday, December 28, 2012

ASAB auditorium Screening and the Bad Luck!

Posted by Abstraction Personified

The match today was a real awesome row between India and Pakistan. Die hard cricket fans all over the place. The event, a tremendous hit for NBioS but not so hit as a whole. The game, although very interesting, kept people at the edge of their seats through out the 3 hour period.

Capital Delights was offering pizza, lasagna, cupcakes and brownies at a stall. The stalls for face painting and Tea & soft drinks happened to be the center of attention through out the event.

And YES. TEDxRawalLake team was around too. :D
Just one word, epic fun! The people were acting a little weird, especially the car fiasco, the "roothi hassena" and everything but as a whole - A Completely Wow-ish-ly Amazing Time! :D

Sad part, Pakistan lost. :/
Yeah. That's what i meant with the title of the post. Even after putting up a very good show, Pakistan still lost. :(
Anyways, good game from the green shirts! And We support green no matter what happens 'cause believe it or not, We Bleed GREEN!


But I still wonder is it Pakistan or is it the jinxed ASAB auditorium. Every match that has ever been screened in the ASAB auditorium always ends at a sad note.

Moral of the story: ASAB Auditorium is jinxed with Pakistan's defeat.
BUT. PAKISTAN, Hamari Jaan. <3


Thursday, December 27, 2012


Posted by Abstraction Personified

If life was short of antidotes, the human race wouldn't have evolved and been as happy and revolutionary as it is. A human mind is in a constant phase of restless dynamics. It functions the best in the toughest of times.

When the times are tough, and the life is taking its toll on people, only then is a ray of light treasured. A single ray of light, which goes unnoticed during the day is the antidote to darkness.

When a human mind faces restless dynamics, A single, tiny - little happiness can drive away the restlessness and turn the mind and soul into centers of peace. The antidote to restlessness is happiness which leads to a peaceful mind. Thus, channelizing the energies of the body and soul into a productive business.

However, they say peace is only a phase that comes between two wars. It would lose its meaning if the war, in this case restlessness, ceases to exist.

A problem is a problem till the time it is not considered one, once it is considered, it no longer remains a problem. The solution eventually follows up. Hence, restlessness does not remain a problem.

But then, why does the human soul strive to achieve peace? Peace of mind, peace of body, peace of soul? The most logical answer to this is that restlessness is just like an ocean - tiny droplets of water flowing together but losing their own value. These very water droplets, are a treasure when they rain down on a desert.

This makes me wonder what is this restlessness actually? What is it composed of, like an ocean would be composed to water droplets? The ocean has the power to engulf gigantic ships and cruises, cover thousands of miles and smash against the rocks as if the anger and wrath of God is being unleashed. What power does this restlessness have in it?

Probably restlessness is just an ocean of thoughts. An ocean of negative thoughts. A reservoir of negative energies. Then what would be the antidote to it? Happiness can be a temporary solution which restricts the problem but does not completely solve it. In that case, what would be the actual solution? They say, energy is interchangable. It can be changed from one form to another but the question remains, how? How to change a whole reservoir of negative energy, negative emotions, negative thoughts into positive ones?


Sunday, December 09, 2012

A day out in Lahore

Posted by Abstraction Personified

21st june 2012, 1:53 am
From 341 to 343!
So im sitting in a room numbered 343, Al-Haram Hostels, Lahore!
Yes u got that right. LAHORE. *makes the pukey face*
What am i doing here?
Well i came to Lahore for an internship which I expected to be fun. But it didn't turn out that way.
I had always spent my life listening Lahore never sleeps, Lahore is the most fun place EVERRR, the life in Islamabad is so boring, one should ALWAYS choose to live in Lahore. All crap, I tell you. All crap.
All these things did bring me to Lahore. But it didn't have its "woo-ing" effect on me like it has on countless other people. The city has, so far, been a complete disappointment for me. The "MM ALAM ROAD" which I expected would be a "double-carpeted-metal road with shopping plazas and food places on both the sides" was a completely pathetic and bumpy road. The good part about it was the branded shops occasionally seen by its side (which of course were of no use to me then). Another good thing about MM ALAM was what it was famous for (at least what I knew from my "few, snob" friends from Lahore). The food places at both the sides of the road. Well. But they all of them offer the same kind of food. The atmosphere of the cafes was no different from that of Islamabad's cafeterias. We visited 3 cafes in a day. Had a-lot of chocolate. So much that i felt i had a chocolate over dose.

Khair, that's that about the day.
I wonder when would baba turn up. I'm tired of him delaying his arrival. And I'm also tired of asking him to come sooner again and again and again and again.
I hope he comes soon. Really looking forward to it.

(Published late, like VERY late)


Saturday, April 21, 2012


Posted by Abstraction Personified

So its 1:55am, 21 april 2012 when i start with my very own blog. Thinking what the first post should be about, i decide to write about the days events.
So i get up at 8am in the morning today. I have an exam at 11.30 for which i am totally unprepared. I try to study but apparently suffer from attention deficit disorder. So i decide to leave the whole study thingie and start browsing the internet.
Suddenly i realize I have been waiting for a couple of emails from quite a time now. Since i didnt get any replies earlier in the week, im quite disappointed. Anyhow, i open my inbox and find 2 new emails. To my utmost surprise, both the emails are the ones i had been waiting for.
With heart beating wild, i open both of them one by one. Fearing they wont have the content i desired. and most of all, fearing rejection. However, God has always been very kind on me. and i get what i expected in both the emails.
In the first one i get selected as a delegate in the 2nd Pakistan annual youth assembly - 2012. :D
In the second, im a little disappointed, i do get the job but its not quite what i expected. so i turn it down.
Then after getting all the happy news, not to mention the internship news dad gave me early in the morning, i start with my studies.
I give the exam which goes exceptionally well and then i return to my room and sleep all day.
Its raining in islamabad and its quite fun to listen to the rain pour down and darknes engulf it.
Anyhow i get up around 11.30 at night and start working with this blog, which i believe is a very poor attempt at writting a blog. :P
But since no body is reading it except me, i guess its kindda okay.
and oh yeah.
Well, you know what i was going to write. Hence *smile*