Thursday, February 14, 2013

Swirling Storm

Posted by Abstraction Personified

How do you find the mental will to write when your insides are crumbling down and you're shattered to the core?
How do you face yourself when all you want to do is run away.... run away from yourself?
How, in the world, do you fix everything when you...yourself..are the one who spoiled it in the first place?

Hah. Wow. The ghosts which haunt you are actually memories of your past. YOUR memories. The memories YOU created YOURSELF. WILLINGLY.

Despise yourself, NEVER! Oh well. What do you do when you are left with no other option? How do you defeat the monsters then? The monsters that reside deep inside you?! How do you slay THAT dragon?! How, in heavens, do you banish those ghosts??!!

You want to flee.
You CAN'T!
You want to escape.
You CAN'T!
You don't want to think about it.
 You CAN'T!
You want to shut it off...shut it the deepest darkest corner of your head.
Haha. Try that!!! You CAN'T! :D
You want to heal the wounds.

HAHAHA. Isn't it a little too early for that? Oh and what about the scars anyway? They would still be there.. You definitely CAN'T!  :D
You want to fix everything.
Error: Damage beyond repair!! *beep* Damage beyond repair!! *beep* Damage bey........ Oh just blast it! You most certainly CAN'T!! :D
You want to die.
HAHA. You shall die EACH day. You shall face the consequences, here and now...there and then!


^ And that was my conscious laughing at me!!


Saturday, February 09, 2013

Oh mother!!

Posted by Abstraction Personified

CAUTION: Do not proceed if you have a good taste of poetry, or are of weak heart. As I clearly have slayed all the rules of subtle poetry which your frail heart might not be able to endure, I believe it is my grave responsibility to warn you again to stop reading this very instant. 

If you still wish to read further, well... very well then, God bless your soul for reading this. Do not curse me later for having you read the worst piece of poetry in the entire history of literature. 

And also, please remember to keep your "able" judgement and criticism to yourself because I don't give a damn about what you think about this specific piece of writing. I wrote it for my mother. She, and only she, becomes the judge and critic (that is, if she ever reads this). 

Oh, and thank you for being so patient and still reading this after so many warnings. :)


So here it goes.

Oh mother! What should I tell you? 
Oh, how should I say?
Oh mother! What should I remember, if not your grieving eyes, searching my face, having to send me away?
Oh, how that breaks me a million inside!!
Oh mother! Tomorrow I shall be gone from your protective embrace and sight.
Oh, however shall I happen to survive?!
Oh mother! Just the thought of leaving you behind... waiting for even a shadow of me..
Oh, how that image of you pains the very heart of mine!!
Oh mother! Forgive me, for I have been a terrible daughter?!
Oh, how I wish I could somehow turn back the time?

P.S. Too bad, no?
Let me find some water in which I can/should drown. :/